
Power Rankings: January – March

March 6, 2009

Holy crap!  First week of the month!  Do you know what that means?  Yes, you do!  Power Rankings!  And now they’re bi-monthly!  Find out why and more after the link.

January - March

Honorable Mentions in No Particular Order

Phear, Stauffy, Bone

Tournaments Examined

  • Chula Vista Weekly 23
  • Chula Vista Weekly 24
  • Chula Vista Weekly 25
  • Winter Game Fest ’09
  • Brawl in Oakland 2
  • Quizno’s Presents: Brawl Tournament 7
  • Quizno’s Presents: Brawl Tournament 8

Criteria for Rankings

  • Performance: To be placed on the Power Rankings you must perform well in a tournament setting. This does not necessarily mean how high you place in a tournament, but rather who you won, lost, or played against. Since these Power Rankings are awarded to individuals, performance in doubles-type events is not as important as performance in singles-type events.
  • Consistency: You must win and place highly on a consistent basis. One loss or win will not change your position much on the list. But losing or winning repeatedly will result in noticeable changes of the list.
  • Competition: To be considered for ranking you must compete in a competitive tournament, with a relatively high level of competition. Smashfests or friendlies do not count for anything.

MogX has just finished the latest round of Power Rankings and this one is likely to turn some heads.  Fierce appears on the list for the second time, hopefully someone in spot #10 can keep their spot.  But then again, we have some powerful honorable mentions and things are most likely to change dramatically again next power rankings round.

Discuss, comment, hate, love, and all that jazz.


  1. get it girl llololo

  2. How nice of Fierce to hold onto my spot for me while I’m gone.

    jk, ❤ Fierce

  3. dayuuuuum nyjin that’s a +4 rankings boost of cockiness. lord. :s

    Good shit guys. I need to step it up still.

  4. lol stauffy has jokes.

    gj fierce.

  5. I’m not cocky!

    JK. ;P Havok’s definitely going to be hot on my tail, though. Can’t wait to go to more tournaments. Although speech may be in overdrive soon, depending if I make it to the State Tournament!

  6. Time to step it up baby!

  7. i dont get an honorable mention? :[

  8. you need to play in tournaments FEAR!

  9. man i wanna go back to tourneys T_T

  10. hmmm burntsock :I

    this is kinda super old?….

    ima start going 2 tournys more often


  11. Oats ist Updating this anymore…. is he???

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