
Important News – Searching for a Group of Dedicated Individuals

December 9, 2008

After this past weekly we had the same guy that served us at CVXX (his name is Adam) asked us if we were going to do something like that again.  Apparently the owner was very pleased with the turn-out and I was pleased that he was pleased with us.  You should have seen Havok, he had a country mile smile.  So, because Havok was super stressed last time, and we still managed to pull in something fun, imagine what would happen if we had more people planning and organizing this thing?

This is an open call for anyone that would like to actively take part in planning and helping set up for Chula Vista XXX.  That’s 30 in Roman Numerals.  The venue will be La Bella’s Pizza again and most likely another Sunday, but I’d like to push for a Saturday if possible to encourage more people to go.  Sundays are school nights and people from out of town can’t normally make the drive on school nights.

Here are my goals for Chula Vista XXX:

– Sponsorship for Power Strips, Flyers, TVs, speakers, microphones, whatever

– Aggressive advertising

– More space, thus less body heat

– More TVs

– True Crews of 5

– Aggressive Security to discourage theft

– Less disorganization

– More fun, more people.

If you want to help out with the planning of CVXXX please e-mail me at sdsmash@gmail.com.  We’ll set up a community and you’ll be expected to keep up deadlines.  If you can’t, you’l be dropped.  :O

Oh man, I’m super serious, and super pumped!


  1. Im down for this…. I can probably do advertising? If some one makes just one flyer and I’ll pay for the copies and I’ll post it on myspace, SWC, Game Crazy, Game Stop, and so on and so on….

  2. Anything a 15 year old boy can do to help, I will do.

  3. Totally up for helping, however’s needed. You know my info.


  4. Yes. PLEASE have security because my Wii remote got stolen at XX.

    I`ll be glad to help anyway i can though

  5. I’de like to help

  6. I’ll be working on some details once I get the new version of Tio off of Race this weekend.

    I’ll be frequently just updating this post.

  7. I cant help, but ill be there for moral support =D

  8. Oh the new Tio is out now???

  9. I’m more than happy to help, let’s make this one even bigger! ^_____^

  10. Oh shit! Somiyah wanting to get in on this!!!

  11. Is that good or bad? Haha >.<

  12. LOL, nah thats good…. HAHAHAHA!

  13. Damn, and Im jealous at somiyah’s little avatar face! Why does she get the shades…. 😦

  14. Man up Nancy

  15. well, since all i do is lurk anyways, the next time i go, ill watch ppl so i know when stuff will get stolen heh.


    (that is ofcourse, if im too not busy stalking some other smasher lol)

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