Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Chat on IRC With San Diego/Chula Vista/Tijuana!

March 4, 2009


So, I now registered and set-up a neat little IRC chat for anyone that wants to join. Many of use AllisBrawl, Facebook, Myspace, AIM, what-have-you, but what IRC offers is an active and permanent place for us to discuss anything we absolutely want without having to resort to repeatedly spamming this thread. So you can read me making fun of you in pseudo-real-time. Here is how you set-it-up.

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Please Welcome the New San Diego Smash Staff Members!

January 9, 2009

San Diego’s community is alive and growing, and to keep up with that, our little blog needs to grow as well. Awex here, to introduce myself and others as new members of the San Diego Smash team! Read the rest of this entry ?


Player Profiles

January 8, 2009

Hello, everybody. This is Nyjin. As the new San Diego smash writer, it is my first task to handle the creation of the player profiles that many of us have been asking for. With this being perhaps one of the most desired things of the site, I am going to try to handle this as efficiently as possible. Hopefully, without cutting any corners. Now, over the next few weeks, I am going to perhaps handle about one to two profiles per week. I will hopefully be able to obtain this information from you, give or take: Read the rest of this entry ?


Good News – All is Brawl Ladder Content Staff

January 7, 2009

First of all, lemme direct your eyes to this. I applied a little while ago to be a part of the All is Brawl Ladder Content Staff. I did not think I was going to make it because honestly, who am I? Just some no-good San Diego punk. But lo and behold, I was selected and am now pretty happy with the accomplishment.

So those of you that are now part of the Smash Blog staff need to step it up even further, because I won’t be here to be a jerk and boss you around as much. Also, look out for our new staff announcement, as well as the new Power Rankings soon.


State of the Blog

December 30, 2008


I made a post a couple weeks ago asking for advice on how to improve the blog, and what-not and many of you have given some ideal words of wisdom and encouragement. Thank you for that.

With that said, it’s the start of a New Year and our little community is slowly growing from just a handful guys to a really big family. I can say I know a lot of you better than I know some of my very own family members (extended). But who would know you guys outside of San Diego? Who the hell knows who Burntsockz is, despite the knowledge that we sometimes take for granted, that he is, in fact, the Best Yoshi Main on the West Coast? So, with this New Year, along with some additions, the biggest one we’ll be doing soon is “player profile.” Basically, we’ll do our best to interview a specific player and know as much about them as possible, and dedicate a whole post to them. And in the future once I get my recording equipment off the ground, any videos, threads, ideas, or whatever, will be linked to that player’s profile, so we can all see how good they really, are, etc.

Sounds great, right? But if that didn’t get your attention, I’m sure something else did, too. I used the word “we” quite a lot. That means I want community support and I’ll be asking for a full-time volunteer staff. I try my best to manage this by myself, and I’m somewhat timely, but I need other people to do some minor grunt work, while I manage the harder, behind-the-scene stuff. Grunt work includes updating the tournament page; providing links to anything cool or well-written, Smash related stuff; taking pictures at events; giving me accurate details of who wins-vs-who from tournaments; anything I think of, etc. People that want to write or be a full-time helper, just contact me @ Do not say you want to help in the comments section, because I only sometimes read all the comments (bold-faced lie) and really it looks unprofessional, and I want to make good use of the gmail account I created for this site. The benefits of helping are: it looks good on a portfolio when you try to explain extra-curricular activities, etc. That may or may not be true. It’s mostly true though cuz it got me a job once.

Aside from those and a few other immediate changes, what I really want to do in the future is reserve a domain name for the blog,, and really give this thing a nice and pretty graphical overhaul. I’m teaching myself all of these things and more, so maybe one day I’ll be able to do it. It’s goingg to cost money, but I see it as a worthy investment. But other than that…

Any questions? Concerns? That’s what comments are for.

– Ciao,



Important News – Searching for a Group of Dedicated Individuals

December 9, 2008

After this past weekly we had the same guy that served us at CVXX (his name is Adam) asked us if we were going to do something like that again.  Apparently the owner was very pleased with the turn-out and I was pleased that he was pleased with us.  You should have seen Havok, he had a country mile smile.  So, because Havok was super stressed last time, and we still managed to pull in something fun, imagine what would happen if we had more people planning and organizing this thing?

Read the rest of this entry ?


A San Diego United

November 17, 2008

With an exceptional showing at this past saturday’s Melee Triweekly comes the announcement from Azn_Lep that from here on out, all Triweeklies at UCSD will be focused on Super Smash Brothers Melee in an effort to give some love back to the game that introduced many of us, including myself, to competitive gaming.  More information will be coming soon, hopefully, but I for one am excited.

Whatever your feelings regarding Melee v.s. Brawl I’m just glad both of my favorite games at the moment are getting some kind of love.  What will this mean for the future?  Well, I’d love to get some Melee Power Rankings for San Diego if that’s possible in the future, and hopefully this blog can grow even further and encompass many more games?  Who is to know for certain right now.  Again, exciting times for a Smash fan.


“Now It’s Our Turn To Kick Some Tail!”

September 25, 2008

In case you guys haven’t read about it yet, MLG now has ownership of smashboards and in all likelyhood this means a pro circuit for Brawl in the near future. (2009 pro brawl circuit?) For those of us not in the know, MLG hosted melee tournaments with fairly large cash prizes and lots of competition. For a lot of people this was melee’s “Golden Era”, and now we have the chance to do it again. Get hype people! And save up for lots of traveling.