Posts Tagged ‘Havok’


From San Diego into the Fray III

March 1, 2009

Week 3

This week (or day since I procrastinated =p) we have our friend from NorCal tell us something about the brawl scene up north. Ranked within the top 2 of NorCal, with a solid finish at 5th at the recent SCSA  (DieSuperFly’s tournament circuit), he has an infinite amount of stories to tell you if you ever meet him in person.  So here we have the mean, lean, green machine: Sean! Cheesy, I know.

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Tourney Recap – BIO 2

March 1, 2009

Laziness be punished!  I should have written this much much sooner but alas, I was not thinking correctly.

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Tournament Recap – Quizno’s Brawl VIII

February 16, 2009
The Venue

The Venue

Hey all, Oats here.

It may not seem like it, but I haven’t written a recap since West Coast Smash League and that was around 2 months ago.  A long time ago, for sure.  Well I haven’t forgotten how to write a good one, so follow the link to read about our latest San Diego Smash misadventure.

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From San Diego into the Fray.

January 30, 2009

Week 1 – MikeHAZE

The man himself. MikeHAZE.

The man himself: MikeHAZE.

Hey guys! Havok here!

Every week from here on out I’ll try to have someone from SoCal’s finest (out of San Diego) say a little something about themselves. That way we can get to know each other a bit better and continue to have our community evolve beyond that of Chula Vista/San Diego/Tijuana! So for this week we get to interview the man… No other than MikeHAZE himself!  Infamous for his trash talking, up-B out of shield, and for the lack of any better words to describe him further we’ll get on with the interview!

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It Really Was Havok In My House. Oh the Irony.

January 20, 2009

There Really Was Havok in My House

Monday, January 12, 11:00 AM.

“Yea I got you…You need housing…you too?…yea whatever…screw it” Was it a dumb descision? Of course not! What I’m actually referring to is housing the amount of people that I did… I don’t know, what was supposed to be 25 people ended up being…50? At least on one day, there were over 60 because of our unfinished crews (more on that later). Oats was going to house some of Palmdale and Somiyah was kind enough to house HugS and co.  All in all, SD was going to house quite a lot of people.

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Tournament Videos! – UCLA VII: The Avalanche!

November 27, 2008

Wow! Videos! Or… links to them? I figured since Get Your Tournament was kind enough to upload videos, I figured I’d be kind enough to link the ones that specifically feature San Diego players, since the site is kind of hard to maneuver around. Follow the link to see the videos.

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Chula Vista XX Recap – Reeking Havok

November 26, 2008

Since Sunday marked our 20th event we attempted to do something bigger for our Chula Vista/San Diego community. A few weeks ago we were going crazy (or at least I was) throwing around ideas for venues, fee’s, stages and how many sets were going to be needed for the event. Perhaps it isn’t that big of a deal but keep in mind I’ve never helped organize anything like CV XX so the entire time it was completely nerve wrecking. With venue’s ranging from schools, recreation centers, even my work place crossed my mind since Rej uses his. We finally found La Bella’s, I couldn’t have been happier with the choice we made since the venue was moderately spacious, food was available immediately, and it was still in Chula Vista. Anyways enough about the planning process!

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Smashfest – Today, Chula Vista!

November 7, 2008

Smashfests are a great way to meet people and work on your game.  Want to practice your secondary character?  Or maybe just mess around in the low tier?  Practice makes perfect, and people make great practice!

Today, Havok, will be hosting a Smashfest at his home from 3 pm onward.  All the information if you follow the link.

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